3rd graders learn rhythm and drumming skills in music class.
Please check out our online fundraiser at www.unclejerrystees.com use organization code 54047.
Thank you for your support!
After school sports club gets started with a competitive game of kickball. Thank you Mr. Heintz and our PTA for the effort and the support!
Tiger Gear on sale now! Show off you school pride with some cool looking Tiger Gear. Go to spiritandpride.com to order. Thank you T9O!!!
Mrs. Sheperd's 5th graders sign the Rachel's Challenge banner. The banner will be displayed in the main hall near the library. Tiger pride in action.
Signing for Rachel's Challenge
Inspired by Rachel's Challenge, 4th graders create a plan to end bullying and create more kindness. The students created this group and they chose to do this instead of recess!
TES Community Garden, ready for harvest!
The TES garden is open to the community through the unlocked back gate. Community members are welcome to come harvest ripe produce (please do not take pumpkins, gourds and squash yet)
Right now we have:
Raspberries and strawberries
Yellow Squash
If you come take produce, please weigh and log your harvest by type of fruit/vegetable using the scale and notepad inside the shed. Please make sure the garden is left tidy and the shed is closed when you leave.
If you have any questions, please contact Caitlin Craig-Mickel at craig-mickelc@tenino.k12.wa.us
Please come and enjoy our fresh produce, home grown, at the home of the Tigers!
Rachel's Challenge! Students learned about the power of kindness and compassion based on the life story of Rachel Scott. Mr. Hadaller's class shows us the chain of compassion all classes are completing.
The Tenino School District is committed to providing all of our students with a safe, supportive learning environment that prepares them to be responsible citizens and a contributing members of global society. To support the District's mission, the Tenino School District , with the generous support of the Tenino Combined PTA, is implementing the Rachel's Challenge program in both the Elementary and Middle School for the 2018-2019 school year. The program, named in memory of Rachel Scott, the first victim of the Columbine High School tragedy, is designed to inspire, equip and empower people to create a positive culture change in their school and community by starting a chain reaction of respect, kindness and compassion. The objectives of Rachel’s Challenge include: Create a safe and productive learning environment by delivering proactive solutions to violence and bullying Stimulate real culture change by actively involving the entire community in the process Change lives by providing culturally relevant social/emotional training Improve achievement and ensure results by engaging the participants heart, head and hands Age appropriate assemblies to introduce students to Rachel’s Challenge will be presented during the school day on September 25 at the Elementary and September 26 at the Middle School. As part of the program, we are also planning to create a Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club at Tenino MIddle School, where students can meet to work on the planning and development of activities, projects and events to spread kindness and compassion in their school and community. You can help us motivate our students toward positive change in the way they treat others by encouraging your child to create a chain reaction of kindness and compassion. With this goal in mind, we would like to invite our Tenino students, families, staff and community members to join us for a special Rachel’s Challenge Community Event on Tuesday, September 25 at 6:30 pm in the Tenino Middle School Gym. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the TES or TMS office or visit rachelschallenge.org for more information about the program.
Twin Day at TES!
More Twin Day photos.
Today was Twin Day! Check out these photos of our students having fun and looking great. Go Tigers!
And of course, a teacher!, at Career Day!
Career-minded youngsters participate in Career Day at TES. Our future is in good hands!
Tiger pride on display at the TCYFL game on Saturday morning at the stadium. Great effort players and cheerleaders. Go Tigers!
Happy Wednesday, Tenino! Please remember that next Monday is Picture Day! It will be part of spirit week. Our theme for the day is "Dress for Success!"
Assembly Schedule. Our assembly schedule is available on our website. Under Documents, go to TES Assembly Schedule. Thank you!!!
Students enjoy the new benches outside the district office. Thanks everyone for a great start up!